Megan Gabrielle Harris USA, b. 1990

Born in 1990 in Sacramento, USA. Works and lives in Los Angeles, USA.

Megan Gabrielle Harris’ work exemplifies the phenomenon of slow living perfectly in her afro-escapism and surrealism practice. Megan’s works are inspired by her travels, surreal landscapes and time spent in nature. Her work typically features women in relaxed, sanguine and contemplative dispositions often painted against a rich, sublime backdrop.
A kaleidoscope of soft and loose pastel hues frames her dreamscapes, transporting viewers of her work into an enchanted realm of endless surreal and meditative elements. Her muses, tranquil as the idyllic settings they find themselves in, are often adorned in silk dresses and robes that flow as liberally as the distant lakes and valleys that they peacefully regard.
As an afro-surrealist, Megan Gabrielle Harris explores how black women navigate and escape societal constraints, creating a safe space where they can be unapologetically empowered. Through her art, she seeks to depict women as independent and powerful, offering a visual manifestation of her hopes for women to live fully and presently. Inspired by her artist father and an entrepreneurial mother, she pursued a multifaceted career that includes art, modeling, and design.
Her artwork was presented with success at Untitled Art Fair Miami, Art X Lagos, Expo Chicago, Art Madrid, Latitudes Art Fair Johannesburg and during group shows in New York, Los Angeles, London, Barcelona and in March 2025 OOA GALLERY will organize at Art Curial Paris her debut solo exhibition. Megan Gabrielle Harris is fast becoming one of the most in demand contemporary African-American artists with a rapidly growing waiting list of esteemed international collectors and art patrons.