Miska Mohmmed’s Marvelous Mindscapes

Paul Laster, WhiteHot Magazine, November 7, 2023

Fascinated by the landscape of Khartoum, which sits at the confluence of the White Nile—flowing north from Lake Victoria—and the Blue Nile, flowing west from Lake Tana in Ethiopia, Miska Mohmmed turned her fascination into the subject of her art. Drawing and painting the landscape of her hometown since childhood, the Sudanese artist, whose work is currently on view in her solo show, "Highlands of Sudan," at OOA GALLERY in Barcelona through December 3, 2023, went on to study art at Khartoum’s College of Fine Art, where she received a BFA in Painting in 2016, but her journey as a painter—while rooted in the past—flowered after she left school. 



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